About Us
We’re like-minded people, who believe in building better and stronger communities for our families and for yours. Communities are central to our human experience and they are reflections of our unique journeys and challenges as well as our uniquely human desire to change the world around us. We believe that change should benefit the entire community within and beyond its borders so our communities are interconnected and interwoven, because we truly are stronger together.
Community building, social justice, equity, inclusion... These are challenging complexities of our existence that are central to the foundation of our national identity. However challenging, these central themes help define our journey, determine our impact, and inspire us daily.
Get to know us
Dr. Justin S Gardner, PhD
Principal Investigator, Methodologist, Philanthropist, Social Innovator, Facilitator, Inventor, Entrepreneur, System Integrator, Adventurer.
"Innovation isn't a question of why, but a question of why not."
Ashley Gardner, MA
Strategic Communicator, Creative Mind, Writer, Documentarian, Social Innovator, Journalist, Professor, Traveler, Life-style Connector.
"If not now, when."
Maurice Page, MAdED
Social Entrepreneur, Change Maker, Connector, Communicator, Facilitator, Explorer, Innovator.
"The goal is to change barriers into possibilities for all people."